Who may apply for a grant?
Grants are available to any non-profit organization with a qualifying project. Non-profit organizations must possess a Non-profit Taxpayer ID number.
What is the maximum grant amount awarded?
Grants up to $15,000 are available.
How long is the application process?
Once a completed application is received, it takes up to 60 days for the application to be reviewed and scored by the grant committee. Applicants will be notified by email of either a grant award or reason for application rejection.
How is the grant application scored?
All applications are scored against a rubric scoring criterion. A minimum of three people from the grant committee will review and score each grant. The scores will then be averaged and if the score is at or above 20 points, a grant may be awarded pending the approval of the DL Fresh Foundation Board. Since the DL Fresh Foundation uses the National Christian Foundation to administer funds, all non-profits must meet the eligibility requirements of the NCF.
If the application is rejected, will the applicant be informed of the reasons for the rejection?
Yes, each application will be given their rubric score and reason why the application was rejected. Applicants will be invited to re-apply once the application is corrected.
If a non-profit organization receives a grant, can they re-apply if they want to continue the project?
Yes, non-profits may apply for additional grants every year, but grants are awarded only once every calendar year.
When a grant is awarded how is the grant funded?
The DL Fresh Foundation uses the National Christian Foundation to administer funds. A check is written in the name of the non-profit organization. No checks will be issued to individuals.
Are there exclusions for grant applications?
Grants will not be awarded for equipment that needs installation controlled by another entity. For example, there is an application for a school garden that includes benches permanently affixed. Since the installation of the benches would be under the discretion of the school district, money for the benches will not be awarded because the school district may not allow installation.
Disclaimer: It is important to check with the finance department of your nonprofit to discover if there are any restrictions or limitations for dispersing funds such as some nonprofit will require funds can only be dispersed through purchase orders or reimbursement.